Sunday, November 18, 2012

Dear Dart,

Dear Dart,

Thank you  for the wonderful times you gave me.  every sneeze, sigh, nudge, kiss and whinny will always be in my heart.  You where always a showoff and loved rewards ( like your favorite black licorice).  Every problem I had was always solved with that face of yours.  I won't ever forget when on my first O-MOK-SEE you led me to second place in Barrel Racing and Pole Bending.  I loved being on you for trail rides, slow paced and laid back.  
For some reason you always knew what gait I wanted or needed to go at.  When I was scared you went slow and steady, and when I was confident you let me go at a run.  
Your life was to short for me.  Why did God have to take you away from me?  I don't know, but I know it was for a good reason.  God IS good all the time even if we don't think so.
There is so much more I want to say, but I can't type it the words won't come out.  You were worth more to me than anyone can imagine.  I miss you so much.


 R.I.P  Dart my forever friend 11/14/12


  1. Hey it's Faith LOOOOVE your blog!!!

  2. Thanks! I actually switched blogs, my new one is:

